Keilir býður upp á Alþjóðlega Háskólabrú. Námið er hugsað fyrir einstaklinga með annað móðurmál en íslensku og verður kennt á ensku. Háskólabrú er fyrir einstaklinga sem hyggja á háskólanám en hafa ekki lokið stúdentsprófi. Nánari upplýsingar á heimasíðu Keilis.
Preliminary University Studies
Do you want to enter a university program in Iceland but haven't finished college or secondary school education, or does your dream job require a college degree?
Keilir Academy in Iceland offers Preliminary Studies for university education taught in English. The format of the education is distance learning and takes about two years. Graduating from the programme provides access to a number of different faculties at the University of Iceland. Keilir has been offering Preliminary University Studies in Icelandic since 2007 with over 1.500 students completing the program so far.