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Bus schedule between Keilir and Reykjavík

A new bus schedule between Reykjavik and Reykjanesbær (Keilir) was introduced on 1 January 2015 on behalf of Strætó (public transport provider).

The bus service to and from Reykjavik has until now been free of charge for students at Keilir, but with the recent changes student will be expected to pay a moderate fare fee in the future. We are currently adjusting our service to the new bus schedule and in the meantime Keilir will continue to offer free transport for our students at 8am from Reykjavik and at 3pm & 4:30pm from Ásbrú by Sævar bus tours. The current schedule is valid until further notice.

Additional information will be posted soon. For more information please contact Keilir main office at or 578 4000.