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20% of professional pilot students at Keilir are women

Images by Rut Sigurdardottir at Keflavik International Airport on 2 November 2018
Images by Rut Sigurdardottir at Keflavik International Airport on 2 November 2018
Over the past few years there has been a steady increase of women in professional pilot training at Keilir and currently one in every five pilot students at the school are female.
During the first years of opperation only 12% of pilot graduates at Keilir Aviation Academy were women so we are thankfully moving in the right direction towards gender equality in a profession that has been largely dominated by men since the birth of flight.
But we can do even better. When you board a commercial flight there is a 5% chance you fly with a female pilot a number we think is too low. Social gender roles should not hold back young people’s dreams and Keilir Aviation Academy is proud to contribute to a growing number of professional female pilots in the aviation industry. We look forward to witnessing them realising their dreams in the future.