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Workshop with Jonathan Bergmann & Aaron Sams

Aaron & Jon will be in Iceland
Aaron & Jon will be in Iceland

Hands-on Workshop with Jonathan and Aaron on 15 April 2015

Following the FLIP conference on 14 April, Keilir will additionally host a special workshop with limited attendance for school administrators and teachers, in which participants will get the opportunity to work more closely with Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams. Here you?ll learn from and hear first hand experience from the pioneers of the flipped class movement about the challenges and pitfalls of flipped classroom, as well as the possibilities and implementation strategies. 

Flipping for Administrators: Come learn from Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams as they take you on their journey from lecturers to flipped class pioneers. Learn how teachers can talk to every student in every class every day creating a learner centered, inquiry driven, problem based classes. Jon and Aaron will focus on how administrators can implement flipped learning into their schools. Learn how you can begin to transform your school by asking one critical question: What is the best use of my face-to-face class time? 

Participation fee is 260 EUR.

Conference and Workshop Registration