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Bus schedule between Keilir and Reykjavík

During weekdays Keilir operates a bus (Hópferðir Sævars) between Ásbrú and the Reykjavík capitol area. The service is free of charge for students and staff at Keilir.
The bus departs in the morning from the BSÍ bus terminal in downtown Reykjavík at 8am with stops at Suðurver (across from the Kringlan shopping center), Kópavogur, Garðabær and Hafnarfjörður. The bus back to Reykjavík is at 4:30pm from Keilir at Ásbrú.
You'll have to show a valid student ID card from Keilir when taking the bus. The card is issued in the Keilir reception.
Public transport within Reykjanesbær is free of charge. Additionally the company SBK runs a daily bus schedule between Reykjanesbær and Reykjavík. The student ID is not valid for those schedules, but you can buy discount tickets in the Keilir reception for ISK 675 (one way ticket).