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Frábær heimsókn Bob Takano

Bob Takano sótti Keili heim á dögunum þar sem hann kenndi áfanga um lyftingar fyrir íþróttafólk í styrktarþjálfaranámi ÍAK. Bob er einn mest áberandi lyftingaþjálfari Bandaríkjanna um þessar mundir. Ferill hans sem þjálfari spannar meira en fjóra áratugi og hefur árangur hans veitt honum viðurkenningu inn í ?Hall of Fame? lyftingarþjálfara í Bandaríkjunum. 

Hann gefur einnig út vinsælt fréttabréf og var heimsókn hans til Keilis umfjöllunarefni í síðasta tölublaðinu. 

The Keilir Strenght and Conditioning Vision
The Takano Athletics Newsletter
Vol. 7, No. 2 - January 15, 2014 

WOW! I just returned from teaching the unit on weightlifting for the newly developed Keilir Strength and Conditioning education program in Iceland. I spent quite a bit of time with Arnar Hafsteinsson, the visionary administrator who's putting this thing together and I've come away very impressed.

For years we've been talking about Bridging the Gap in the NSCA - the concept of taking the knowledge made available by sport science and employing it in the training of athletes. So far the bridge has not been growing at any appreciable rate and the base levels of the profession have not risen to the desired minimums. I feel that two of the reasons for this have been the lack of science literacy on the part of many Strength and Conditioning coaches combined with a dearth of practical experience and education.

Arnar, a CSCS for several years, and blessed with an outsider's perspective, has decided to reinvent the occupation in his home country of Iceland. He's taken some of the best aspects of the NSCA and added what he considers the missing components to assemble a course of study that should lead to a national government licensing of Strength and Conditioning.

He's invited me and several other respected experts to provide a panorama of content and practices presented in a classroom and practical format that will insure that his students have adequate tools for embarking on this career path. His graduates will have far more preparation than simply passing a rigorous exam. Dietmar Wolf, the Norweign Powerlifting Coach, biomechanist Tom DeLong and long term periodization specialist Ian Jeffries will be among the instructors providing both academic content and practical experiences for these prospective coaches. Keilir being a small institution in a small nation has the advantage of agility and because of this I'm sure that Arnar will keep refining and massaging the course until it grows into the world's premier course. This is one program to watch!

Heimasíða Takano Athletics